Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Was the speech made by Prime Minister in Parliment was a preplanned trap by Rajapakse family ?

It is reported that the speech about " Tiger Terrorists Training Camps in India "  made by DPM was a preplanned trap by family ruler Rajapakse to oust him and appoint either Namal (alias baba namal) or another rajapakse as PM due to "a gods sickness"  from which the leader is suffering. Those are are having the above sickness either leave to heaven or hell very soon in general !.

Read the full article about this preplanned  trap  

(Source ; Lanka-e-News ) Because of the boorish and false utterances in the Parliament and infantile behavior of Sri Lanka's (SL) Prime Minister (PM) who is incidentally the most responsible and most senior Minister of the Govt. , and his subsequently retracting those statements admitting that they were false , SL ‘s image has been dented before the world, not to mention that the cold war simmering between India and Rajapakse regime has also come to the open. It has also been alleged that these irresponsible and rash statements is the result of the PM being used as a puppet by the Rajapakse regime in its conspiratorial designs.

The Premier D. M . Jayaratne blatantly told in Parliament on the 9th March that the intelligence unit has received information that the LTTE members are being trained in three secret camps in Tamil Nadu with a view to stoking and re building the LTTE organization in SL , and to murder Indian Political leaders. Later he retracted his serious allegation pointing out that he was misled by a false news report. But this same most senior and most responsible SL Minister earlier told in Parliament that he was basing his grave announcement on intelligence reports. If what he is saying now is true , then he had on the earlier occasion made a deliberate and diabolic attempt to dupe the Parliament ,in which event he must resign his post as Prime Minister honorably, or, he must elucidate in detail why he committed such a grave indiscretion uttering an absolute falsehood which can have a very serious detrimental impact on the diplomatic relationship between the countries. It is well to recall that our website posted an article on the 10th of February that there is a conspiracy to oust him from the Premier post. He must therefore reveal in Parliament whether he played into the hands of those conspirators.

There is a hidden side to these events . A cold war between India and Rajapakse regime is gradually escalating. This is because of the excessive affinity shown to China by SL , and the SL Govt.’s repeated breaking of the promise made to India that a political solution will be found for the SL Tamils’ ethnic issue. The Rajapakse regime . nurses the notion ,like how it is taking the Sri Lankans wholesale down the garden path , it can take the world too on a ride.

When three containers of a Chinese Co. carrying explosives exploded at the Karadhiyanaru police station, Batticaloa on the 17th September 2010 and about 60 died and hundreds were injured , among the political circles there were widespread rumors that this was a sabotage committed opposing the China -SL joint venture. The Govt . however even before an investigation was duly conducted dismissed it as not a sabotage or the action of rivals.

In recent times, within a month in January 2011, three Tamil Nadu fishermen were killed by shooting within the SL territorial waters. When the Tamil Nadu politicians and media protested that they were committed by the SL Navy, the SL regime repudiated the charges. After the Indian defense Secretary and the foreign Secretary came to SL to discuss this issue and when they left , almost simultaneously , the SL Navy in civil attire along with the local fishermen went and arrested 112 Indian fishermen in mid sea . Thereafter another 24 of them were taken into custody.

The Indian PM condemning this action said, among neighboring countries these kinds of action are not appropriate , and added that India is looking upon this with grave concern. The Rajapakse regime had to later release these fishermen by a special court directive. Thereafter , the Indian fishermen began apprehending the local fishermen . The Rajapakse regime did not have a diplomatic solution to this. The Rajapakse regime apparently had not understood the measures which are being taken by the Tamil Nadu because the elections in India are around the corner . Even if it had understood , because the Govt. is having recourse to crude methods following decisions taken by
‘gothayas’ instead of discussions or diplomatic actions, it is plunging itself into deep problems. In other words the whole country’s interest is being jeopardized.

No matter what , currently a 2500 km. massive march is being staged by the Tamil people from Chennai to New Delhi ,. The main demand in their protest march is to implement what must be under the Indo Lanka accord and against the forcible settlement of Sinhalese in the North and East. The main Organizers of this protest march is ENDLF. They are bitter enemies of the LTTE and friends of the Indian Govt.

Another factor that is exacerbating the embittered relations between the Rajapakse regime and India is, the endangering of the SL security zones via China on the grounds of supply of human resource and computer equipments for the security intelligence information and training . In this regard India is tremendously shaken up . But , the inordinate greed for money has blinded those in the Rajapakse regime from looking far and acting with foresight . Their thinking is clouded and their vision blinded. (we shall bring more details in this respect by a separate article)

In this backdrop , a most responsible PM of SL is making rash utterances in Parliament to gratify whose wishes ? It is learnt that before the PM made this statement in Parliament on the 9th , the Rajapakse regime had wanted to plant this news on the 7th in various media institutions. There it was to be revealed that three LTTE camps are being conducted in Tamil Nadu as informed by the intelligence unit. But the responsible media had not fallen prey to this trap. It was thereafter the Premier made this statement in Parliament.

The PM in the face of the fierce opposition to this announcement is eating his own words and trying to exculpate himself by claiming that he was misled by a news report. But he does not reveal where this false report appeared. Because there is no evidence at all to bear out this statement, the Rajapakse regime in order to teach India a lesson , wove this bogus story and related it.

The whole world knows that at the initial stages India trained SL Tamil youths in weaponry and sent them here. Likewise, it is also well known that owing to the mother’s decision , her son had to pay the price with his life. Hence, it is only a stupid fool who would think such a country which experienced such a tragedy would repeat another mistake of arming youths and training them. On the other hand, the whole world is taking a different stance after the 9/11 disaster and are against fanning armed groups having realized the devastation that can result from such actions.

On the contrary , is it something new if the LTTE is rearing its head again? It was KP who is in the embrace of the Rajapakse regime currently, who first issued a written notice in that regard. Secondly, Rudrakumaran who participated with the Govt. for discussions also gave such a notice. Any armed organization after its total defeat raises its head again. Such an organization feeds and grows on division of opinions, leadership divisions ,betrayals, accusations, disillusionment , over a period of time. Most often , they abandon the old fashioned ideas of a leader , and initiate a new course of action.

Let us now review the events which followed the defeat of the 1988/ 89 resurrection of Wijeweera . The JVP which was revived after the 1988/89 defeat was different from that under the leadership of Wijeweera. They are progressing very well on the Capitalist Democratic path even better than the other Capitalist Democratic parties . Similarly , the LTTE too has the potential to change its Organization direction. It is the duty of the ruling Govts. to facilitate such a change into a Democratic stream. At a subsequent election , if the LTTE registers as a political party and contests , what could happen ? Prior to this , Sinhala Govt. should ensure that the causes which led the Tamils to take to arms and the youths coming forward as suicide bombers are eradicated . Instead of this , if always , the LTTE demon and Diaspora demon are portrayed merely to blindfold the Sinhalese and carry on forever a despicable disgraceful brand of politics , it is impossible to imagine that the LTTE will take a democratic character . If the current Rajapakse regime continues to toe this line , it is doubtful even the Organizations of the South will retain and safeguard their Democratic character for long.

We cannot figure out why the Premier , a responsible Minister in the Rajapakse regime after being well aware of all these dangerous trends is swallowing the bait offered by the Govt.

There is a second part to the Rajapakse regime conspiracy which we wish to warn. In order to show that LTTE are still at work, certain measures have been resorted to , in the North and East , soldiers who are on duty day and night are being run over and killed at several places in the nights with the objective of blaming it on the LTTE . This is the other part of the regime’ s conspiracy , we are informed.

If the Premier D. M. Jayaratne with all his political experience can be made to fall prey to the Rajapakse regime’s trap, it is the duty of the society to warn the people against falling into the trap set by the Rajapakse regime as part of its second conspiratorial step.

The SLFP’s experienced foreign Diplomats who know the grave losses that can be engendered to the country and the nation by a regime which does not take proper diplomatic measures and which is ignorant of them, must understand what are the requirements of a State Diplomat , without just fawning on the higher ups and stooping to degradingly unscrupulous levels for selfish self advancement.. That is he must realize that by his own shameless activities he can only place the future of the country and his in dire peril.

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