Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Don’t ever direct the guns against the people which you used on the terrorists says General Sarath Fonseka to the Army

Following requests made by the opposition, the International Parliamentary union has sent its special representative to monitor the proceedings of the cases that are being heard against General Sarath Fonseka in the Sri Lankan court.

Mark Trevor, an Australian national shall be monitoring the trials in courts against Fonseka from this week onwards. The foreign monitor in addition to the white flag case today , he had also followed the proceedings of cases on persecution of individuals, it is reported.

Nalin Laduwahetti the Lawyer for Fonseka told in court today when the white flag case was taken for trial that the CID officer who conducted the investigations against Fonseka had been an accused in two cases involving persecution and torture. But, the Attorney General had withdrawn the charges against this officer in view of Gen. Fonseka’s case . Ladduwahetti requested permission of court to forward the case records in that regard. Though the State counsel Buwaneka Aluvihara objected to this , the court however gave the permission.

Meanwhile Gen. Fonseka took advantage of the short recess he got to address the media which trailed him in the court premises . He regretted the Army is being utilized to attack the innocent protestors. He requested the Army not to turn the guns against the people which were used against the terrorists.

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