Rabu, 31 Desember 2008
Fixie Tallbike with a Disc Wheel
Tiny Tandem and so much More
Cycle Truck update!
Cycle Truck update!
Originally uploaded by cricketpress
The Schwinn Cycle Truck has a pretty brilliant design. It's a bike to carry large loads via a big front basket, but what makes it unique is that the basket is attached to the frame and doesn't turn with the wheel/bars, which makes for a much more stable ride.
Interlaken 2006 - Mono-roue
Unicycle the other way around. Seems hard to ride.
Atomic Zombie Skywalker Tallbike
Atomic Zombie makes some crazy-ass bikes. They are mostly recumbents and trikes, but there two tallbikes and some choppers that are really impressive.
Selasa, 30 Desember 2008
Wierd Mini-Tandem Bike on Ebay
Senin, 29 Desember 2008
Bike Kill 2004
Bike Kill is the anual holiday of the Black Label Bicycle Club in NY. They invite other bike gangs, get drunk, and wreck bikes.
Crazy Lowriders
Here is a great site with plenty of crazy-ass lowriders. I don't really understand this culture of cyclists, but I love to look at what they do. These bike seem almost unridable, but they are cool.
3-speed close up
Okay, maybe nobody will find this cool, but I've never seen a shifter like this. Very awesome.
Wooden Bike
Check out more pix on the link.
Shiley Tight Bike 3
I didn't realize the builder had finished this when I posted the unfinished one.
This seems super hard to ride. Seems to be made out of brand new bikes. I guess you can do that when somebody is willing to put your bike up as art. Link.
Old School BMX
Check out those wierd old pegs. I love the outfits too.
Tallbike in Peru
Minggu, 28 Desember 2008
Suicide Wheels
Suicide wheels are when extra wheels are turned by other wheels. They are never needed, but they are so cool.
This is what I consider the propper suicide wheel. Note how the top back wheel delivers power to the
bottom back wheel. You have to pedal backwards to go forwards. Suicide.
This bike, however, has a chain driving the bottom wheel and all the other wheels are just for show. It's cool, but is it as cool as really impractical danger?
Romantic Face 2 Face Tandem
Shopping Cart Bike
More Extreme Unicycles
Even more extreme. Cooler trix too.
Unicycling The Extreme Way
Excellent unicycle riding. Very excellent.
One of Johnny Payphone's Penny Fakethings. Johnny has a little website with plenty wierdo PennyFarthings.
Chain Gangs
Some Chicago newpaper article about the local bike gangs. Features Rat Patrol and Human Television Network.
Full article here.
Via Johnny Payphone's blog.
human television network,
rat patrol,
Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008
Tallbike Slam Dunk!
It is what it says. I'll be trying this pretty soon.
Full-Suspension Kiddie Bike
Tree bike.
BIKE (club) (the movie)
I would love to watch this. I wonder if they ever acutally made it...
Jumat, 26 Desember 2008
Fastest Bike Videos
Insane downhill MTB! Over 100mph! Bicycle literally breaks in half at 0:46. The squeamish may want to stop watching at 1:04 when they show the rider's face.
This vid is a bit long-winded, but it's pretty impressive how freaking fast these folks can go.
Worst Tallbike Ever
Fast forward to 2:56. That's when they start trying to ride it. Check out the weights on the front to keep it from falling backwards.
Long Bike
Choppercabras (55)
Holy shit! This bike will fuck you up! How do you stop?
Click the pic to see the full photo set. Lots of great pix.
Click the pic to see the full photo set. Lots of great pix.
Sweet Choppercabras Wheelie Bike
Kamis, 25 Desember 2008
Old Skool Fixie Trix
1899!!! This is before they had invented freewheels or brake mechanisms, so the post-pennyfarthing bicycle was basically today's brakeless fixie. What goes around comes around.
Rabu, 24 Desember 2008
Originally uploaded by ipsofatso
The night I wrecked my room-mate's bike (and my face)
So one time I barrowed my room-mate's bike without asking. Naturally, I wrecked it. I was trying to catch up with my friends, so I was standing as I pedaled and I was going fast. Then the handlebar grip slipped off. The bars went sideways and hit me near the groin. The impact bent the handlebars to a crease. The front wheel went sideways and threw me forwards. My hands got stuck behind the bars and the first part of my body to hit ground was my face. Fucked up my glasses and beat me up pretty bad.

I felt so bad about wrecking the bike that I stayed up super-late replacing the wrecked part with ones from my Ralleigh. He ended up getting the wheel fixed and kept my handlebars because he liked them more.
I felt so bad about wrecking the bike that I stayed up super-late replacing the wrecked part with ones from my Ralleigh. He ended up getting the wheel fixed and kept my handlebars because he liked them more.

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